Sterlite Power secures INR 580 crore funding from REC for Udupi Kasargode Transmission Project

Sterlite Power secures INR 580 crore funding from REC for Udupi Kasargode Transmission Project New Delhi, 16 June 2021: Sterlite Power, a global developer of power transmission infrastructure, announced the successful financial closure of the project set up by Udupi-Kasargode Transmission Project Ltd (UKTL). It has secured the entire debt funding of INR 580 crores from […]
Sterlite Power secures Rs 580 crore funding for Udupi-Kasargode Transmission Project

In accordance with the Letter of Award received from RECTPCL (REC Transmission Projects Company Ltd), the project involves construction of a 400kV (Quad) D/c transmission line, extending over 240 ckm (circuit km), from Udupi in Karnataka to Kasaragode in Kerala.